• Dedicated, experienced and compassionate care

  • Entrust your health in our doctors Healthcare for your kids
    Saving lives

  • State-of-the-art Skin cancer machine, Providing the best of care

  • Skilled staff Providing support and guidance

  • Medicinal Cannabis! Are You Eligible

  • Your health is our priority With 150 years of combined experience!

  • Pre- Employments Medicals

  • Rail Medical Assessment

  • Coal Board Medicals

  • Physiotherapist Providing Quality Care

Your Lifestyle

Often, men's health or illness can be the result of their lifestyle and lifestyle choices. Specifically, these can relate to

  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Alcohol intake
  • Smoking

Poor lifestyle choices can lead to early onset of diseases and a shortened life. Alternately, improved choices can help prevent or reduce the likelihood of a disease or disorder arising or impacting your health.

Men can be poor at both understanding and managing their specific risk factors. At Jema Clinic, we can review and discuss your risks, tests, management and other strategies that can lead to improved health outcomes.