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    Saving lives

  • State-of-the-art Skin cancer machine, Providing the best of care

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  • Medicinal Cannabis! Are You Eligible

  • Your health is our priority With 150 years of combined experience!

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  • Physiotherapist Providing Quality Care

Allied Health

Care Plans

Care plans are available for our regular patients with ongoing medical conditions lasting more than 6 months (e.g. diabetes, asthma, chronic pain). If your doctor feels that you can benefit from treatment from a health care provider that would otherwise not attract a Medicare benefit, he may suggest that you have a care plan organised. This helps your doctor to coordinate care with a dietitian, physiotherapist, podiatrist, chiropractor and osteopath. Through a care plan, a proportion of their fee will be covered by Medicare.

Mental Health Plans

Mental health plans allow patients who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other personal problems to have up to ten visits with a psychologist. A proportion of the fees will be covered by Medicare. Your doctor will be able to assess if you qualify for this service.

Medication Reviews

What is a Medicine Review?

A medicine review is a service that allows a pharmacist to perform a thorough check of all the medicines you are taking. It is done at the request of your doctor, and with your agreement. It gives you the opportunity to spend time asking questions about your medicines, to gain a better understanding of how they work, how to take them and any interactions that may occur. Multiple prescribed medications or even herbal medications you may be taking, can on occasion, interfere with each other. Sometimes, medicine-related problems can occur. By having a personal discussion with a pharmacist, you will reduce the risk of these problems from occurring. Improving your understanding of the medications you take may also improve your overall health.

Who would benefit from having a Medicine Review?

Some things are more likely to put people at risk of medicine-related problems, such as:

  • Taking five or more regular medicines, or taking more than a total of 12 doses of medicine per day, which may lead to confusion
  • Recent changes to your medication routine (doses or medicines)
  • Vissiting different doctors, both GPs and specialists
  • Someone who doesn’t understand their medications or how to use them properly e.g., Ventolin puffers, peak flow devices, diabetic monitoring, medication or glucometers
  • The elderly, confused or people with language difficulties
  • Recently being discharged from hospital

Who can decide if you need a Review?

Your doctor will usually identify a need for a medication review. However, carers, family members, your pharmacist or a community nurse, can ask your doctor if this service would help you. If you agree, your doctor will fill out a special referral form, which you take to the pharmacy.

How often can I have a Review?

You can have a review every 12 months, or sooner, if there is a change in your condition or your medicines.

What do I have to do?

Your doctor will write a referral, which you take to the pharmacist. A time is arranged to have the medication review. Before the visit, think about and write down any questions you would like answered. All your medications need to be viewed, even those bought at health food shops. The pharmacist will discuss the results of the review with your doctor and include any suggestions that may benefit you. You then return to your doctor, and with your help, he/she will develop a medications management plan for you to follow. Your doctor and pharmacist will work together with you, to put any changes into action.